What is CSS?

CSS is the leading instrument to shape the way a webpage appears. All in all, CSS improves the uniformity and presentation of a page. 

The Difference between CSS and HTML

HTML is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language. It is the mainstream language employed to shape the structure of a web page. However, it is not used alone.

It is always paired with CSS and JavaScript when it comes to designing web pages. To put it in simpler words, HTML is what is incorporated at the very ground level of building a website, whereas CSS is often used in the more advanced structure of a website.

HTML is made up of tags that enclose the relevant text. Something like this: 



    <h1>Welcome to SomethingCatchy</h1>




On the other hand, CSS consists of a selector and declaration blocks. Something like this: 




body {






<h1>Welcome to SomethingCatchy</h1>  

<p>This page has blue background color</p>  




A key thing to remember is that HTML does not have any different types, whereas CSS does! CSS can be internal or external, and you can choose between the two based on your requirements. Also, you can pair CSS with HTML by adding it inside an HTML document.  However, HTML cannot be used inside a CSS sheet.

HTML is important for providing the very initial structure to a web page, it is CSS that designs and evolves the style of a webpage by employing such features. 

What this means is that HTML is not for visualization or presentation of any sort - that’s the job of CSS, which is why a lot of developers pay more attention to CSS. HTML also has less backup and support than CSS, which is why it is a very basic option when it comes to website building. 


Why CSS?

Now, let’s look at the importance of CSS and some advantages associated with it. 

  • CSS is a lot easier to maintain and update.
  • CSS brings a considerably greater consistency in design.
  • CSS introduces more formatting options to the table.
  • CSS is a lightweight code.
  • CSS is proven to have faster download times.
  • CSS is good for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • CSS comes with the ease of presenting different styles to different viewers.
  • CSS has greater accessibility

If you’re looking to bring more innovation and creativity to your webpage, CSS should be your go-to language! It is made for design and therefore helping you to present your web page the way you want to.

It also works great in terms of creating a separation between style and structure. HTML has always been more geared towards providing a cohesive structure to your website. If developers try to use HTML for designing, the result comes in the form of very odd and awkward visuals. 


Final Words

The existence of CSS marks a very distinct aspect of the coding world. It makes HTML more functional, allows you to express more creativity, and increases the visual appeal of your website.